Tips for Building a Solid & Loyal Client Base as a Laser Technician

1. Passion

Passion for what you do will take you a long way. If you have ever been to a service provider who clearly is indifferent about what they do, you feel it in the interaction and you typically do not want to return or will replace them with a better option as soon as possible

2. Continued Education

Continued Education in your field is a must. Just because you secured a job does not mean it is the end of learning. Take the initiative to learn from those succeeding around you. Sign up whenever possible with your employer or through manufacturers or suppliers of services/products you provide to learn all you can. Do research on your own time to stay current and familiar with what is new in the Aesthetic Industry. This will build your knowledge base for upcoming interactions with clients and securing new clients.

3. “Walk the Walk”

“Walk the Walk” in this industry. If you recommend medical grade skincare for your client but shop at the drugstore for your products, you will not radiate genuinely to your clients. It will feel inauthentic at best when making recommendations. Sign up for any opportunity to have treatments or utilize staff incentives to get your skincare so that you are adequately immersed in the knowledge and not reciting a regime off a paper like a monotone speech that will have your clients tuned off or uninterested.

4. Always take notes

Always take notes after each client interaction. This will ensure each visit will seamlessly continue the last interaction and the next logical step. I remember a hairdresser who used to make completely different recommendations for every appointment. Also, this service provider would forget what I disliked as if it was the first time; we were meeting each visit. Nothing is worse than feeling like just a number. I like to make specific notes that will jog my memory about an event or something very important to the client (this way, I can check in and ask how that is at the next visit). I can also check in and see if they considered the recommendation I made on the last visit and if they had any questions. This not only shows consistency in your very appropriate and competent recommendation, but it also demonstrates your attention to detail and that you care about the client and their treatment outcomes.

5. Follow Up

Follow up and check in with your client to see how they are post-treatment or how they are loving and using the products you sent them home with. Product protocol sheets are wonderful; however, ensuring compliance with the protocol ensures success and demonstrates your commitment to their optimal outcome.

6. Ethical Interactions

Ethical Interactions start with staying neutral on any hot topics (politics, race, sex etc.). You are there to listen and not dump any personal baggage onto the client. The client should not be leaving their appointment carrying your emotional baggage. Listen to your client, and when the conversation may be going to inappropriate areas or hot topics, you can politely steer the conversation back to the treatment and the benefits or another topic that is neutral. Maintain professional boundaries and you will earn and keep the respect of the client.

7. Appropriate Recommendation

Appropriate Recommendations with adequate client education on the treatment or product’s benefits will sell themselves. If you need to “sell” a client, you have not performed your job correctly. Sales should be a by-product of education and not a high-pressure sales tactic. This is best achieved by amply understanding the service/product and perfecting your articulation/delivery to the client. If you do not have a great understanding yourself, it is a failure at best and a disservice to the client at the very least.

8. Manage Client Expectations

An extension to appropriate recommendation is to educate the client on what to expect and when. Overpromising and underdelivering will leave the client underwhelmed/disappointed and they likely will not return or regret their investment. If you manage the expectation adequately at the beginning, you will prove competence and will gain a loyal client in the process.

9. Ensuring Client Compliance 

A huge part of optimal outcomes is client compliance. Therefore, there should be ‘safeguards’ in place to ensure that protocols are being followed. Clients leaving with product and post-procedure protocols is a must (this can be emailed or a paper copy). Consider using pohone calls to check in (Follow Ups). Client’s that do not follow protocols will sometimes attribute the underwhelming results to your performance, so to avoid or minimize that it is important to keep them on track.

10. Show Gratitude for Referrals 

When a client is singing your praises, take this opportunity to ask them if they know anyone who can benefit from your services. Rewarding the client with a service or extra value added to a service is a great way to show appreciation (check with your employer on their referral programs or create one for your business if self-employed).

11. Stay Committed

Stay committed by focussing on the treatment outcomes with your clients. Be invested in their success and you will have loyal clients who bring you more business. You want the best outcome for them and ensure that you provide the best possible treatments & make the most appropriate recommendations to address their concerns. This approach will establish trust and build long-term client relationships.


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